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40 Days to Personal Revolution!

This program will systematically take you through six weeks of building your yoga practice from the ground up, incorporating important aspects such as asana, pranayama, meditation, healthy diet, and lifestyle choices. The 40-Day Challenge to Personal Revolution is based on a simple, yet powerful philosophy that brings your yoga practice and your everyday life together, nourishing you from the inside out. Learn to shine and tap into your inner power by joining a community of positive people focused on personal growth and transformation.

Register here:

We will meet every Sunday for 6 weeks beginning January 19 at 1pm for on the mat practice, meditation, and off the mat discussion. Each week the practice, meditation, and discussion time will increase. The first three weeks we will meet until 2:30 and the last three weeks we will meet until 2:45.

The 40-Day Challenge is a process that allows you to live the life you really want – one that gives you a spring in your step and has you loving every moment of your day – even the challenging ones! “Many of us are searching without knowing exactly what we are looking for. Some of us go on a diet to lose weight and try all kinds of programs and workshops to make ourselves feel better, or perhaps we throw ourselves into our work and seek wealth and status to fill the void, but underneath an emotional emptiness remains. No matter how much we try to gloss over that yearning with temporary fixes, it is still there, whispering the truth: that what we need isn’t another quick fix, but rather a rebirth – a whole life revolution.” 40 Days to Personal Revolution – Baron Baptiste

Program requirements:
1 group meeting per week which includes a yoga practice
6 days per week yoga practice (home and/or studio)
1 weekly check in with a program buddy
Daily meditation
Dietary changes

Pricing Options:
$100 includes the once a week class with group meeting
$175 Includes the once a week class with group meeting, and a 40 day membership to Yogaterrium (limit one class per day at either locatioj). This studio rate gives you 40 days for the price of 30 days!!!!
**A few copies of the 40 Days to Personal Revolution are available at the studio for $12 or you can purchase online at Amazon.**

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