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Flow + Vision and Goals at Yogaterrium Fort Smith, AR and on ZOOM

Join us for a powerful yoga flow + vision and goals workshop to celebrate the New Year. Vision and goals help you learn to lead yourself and your life! Bring your yoga mat, props and a journal and prepare to create dreams in a BIG way! Online and Face to Face options available.

Crystal Beshears, PhD and E-RTY500, offers years of experience guiding individuals and groups through radical inner work. She will guide you through a yoga practice, grounding exercises to connect you to your body and heart, and vision and goal setting exercises that focus on being intentional, manifesting through communication (both to self and others) and creating a positive environment for yourself and others through personal leadership.

: Saturday, Jan. 9th
Time: 2:30-4:30 PM
Suggested donation of $20. All proceeds go to support Yogaterrium and their efforts to remain open.
Location: 2712 Grand Avenue Fort Smith, AR.
Available space: In-person limit is 8 students. Online zoom options are also available.

If joining by Zoom, after registering and donating, you will need this information to join:

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Meeting ID: 705 925 2048

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